Sunday, 25 March 2018

Farm Equipment Vocabulary Game: a Speaking and Listening Activity

Students revise or learn farm equipment names and related vocabulary through a guessing game, and practise their speaking and listening skills.

It is a guessing game based on the game Who's Who but instead of people, students are playing with farm equipment. 

There are 2 grids for a total of 24 machines (12 in each grid)

It is probably simpler for them to play in pairs (student A and B). Both students have the same grid. They choose an equipment from their grid. They then take turns to ask questions in order to guess the equipment picked by their partner.

Example of dialogue: 

A. Is it used to bale? 
B. Yes.
A. Is it a round baler?
B. No. Is it used to dig in the ground?
A. Yes. 
B. Is it a digger?
A. Yes. Does it make square bales?
B. Yes.
A. Is it a square baler? Yes.

Example of questions:

Is it used to + Verb ...?

Does it + Verb ...?

Can you use it to + Verb ...?


to harvest = moissonner a donné la machine harvester

to bale = faire des balles ⇒ baler / square = carré / round = rond
windrow = andain ⇒ windrower
to spray = pulvériser ⇒ sprayer
to spread = répandre ⇒ spreader / manure = fumier / fertiliser = engrais
to mow = tondre ⇒ mower
to load = charger ⇒ loader / front = devant
seed = graine ⇒ seeder
to blow = souffler ⇒ blower / straw = paille / hay = foin
to grab = attraper ⇒ grabber / bale = balle
to dig = creuser ⇒ digger
to feed = nourrir ⇒ feeder / silage = ensilage

to sow = semer - a seed = graine  a seeder

Students revise or learn farm equipment names and related vocabulary through a guessing game, and practise their speaking and listening skills.

Cécile Sohier